Step 1: Search for videos

Instructions: Search for 24 videos and add them to your calendar. You can search for YouTube video IDs.

You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled.

Step 2: Arrange your web advent calendar

Instructions: Drag and drop the images to assign videos to days. Only the first 24 videos will be used.

Note: You can take a look at your temporary result: Calendar preview.

Step 3: Put it online

Instructions: Specify a title and an image for your calendar and create it.

(optional, e.g., 'Advent calendar for my darling') (optional, 800x600 pixels. You can use photo sharing or image hosting services)
Take a last look at the calendar preview and create your advent calendar!


Final web advent calendar link to share:

Now you can copy the link and send it to your friends!

Note: It would be great if you support this service. (Do it later by the link at the bottom.)